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We care about you
your emotions

At SeeMe 
we believe that there is no health 
without mental health


We are providing free consultation services with our volunteer listeners and an
emotional monitoring service, along with a psychologist, to help you navigate the hard times we are going through


This initiative is powered
in partnership with
The Swarovski Foundation


Click the speech bubble to start


How does it work?

It's easy! Two simple steps to get the support you need, now...

1. Chat with our volunteers

Click the speech bubble, and after we've collected some basic information, our volunteers are ready to hear how you feel and how we can help you.

We are here for you.

2. Book a Zoom call with our psychologist

Monitor your emotional wellbeing with a psychologist, assisted by SeeMe's unique emotion AI technology. Don't worry: our volunteers will explain how it works.

Click the speech bubble to get started.

We offer you four free video call sessions plus a personalized report generated by our emotion AI technology.


*Volunteers are provided in partnership with Buddy Help


Meet our psychologist, Hannah


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